Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Vacation, Yay!!

I have a vacation coming up and I'm ever so excited. I haven't had a whole lot of time off and it'll be nice to have a break from work. I love what I do but I hate where I work and that makes it difficult. I'm close to being able to do what I really want but I'm not quite there yet, but soon. Anyway I have lots of plans for my week off. It's jammed packed all but one day and I'll be doing lots of driving. I'm going to spend the first three days a couple of hours away with my brother and his family. It'll be great, my nieces are so much fun. Then on my birthday I'll be headed south to where the nearest Temple is. I haven't been able to get back there since I went the first time and I feel a bit like a slacker. I'm really excited for that one. I thought it a very fitting thing to do on my birthday. I have to go by myself but I'm okay with that. It'll give me time to think and reflect and ponder all the things that are going on in my life. I don't have anything planned as of yet for thursday but I might work on a few creative projects I have stewing in the back of my head. Iwant to convert a play I wrote once into a puppet show and start getting some ideas down on paper for the puppets I want to build for it and the theatre I want to build. I also want to do the storyboarding for a children's book I've been working on. There are a few other things I'd like to pull out and work on but we'll see how much time I'll have for that. Besides plans always change and I could have some fantasticly fun thing come up for Thrursday so I'll just have to see. Friday I was invited to come spend the night with a friend of mine that lives out of town a bit. Its not too far away and its a nice drive. I'm really excited for that one because we haven't had a lot of time to just hang out so it'll be good to visit her. Saturday I'm going to a dinner theatre performance of "Grease" with another friend that I haven't had a lot of time to spend with. It'll be alot of fun I love going to the theatre and its always better when you go with good friends. Sunday is of course Sunday one of my most favorite days of the week. I'll have church and that'll be great a nice relaxing day to end my vacation with. Its going to be great and its full up. I'll be very busy and spending good times with people that I care about and that's what life is all about, the moments of your life that you share with others. I have only five more shifts to work till then. I can hardly wait.

Miss M

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