Monday, August 07, 2006

Little Box of Happiness

My best friend is Internet guy. We've known each other for over a year now and its rare for us to go a day with out phoning each other and talking for at least an hour. Out of everyone, with the exception of my family, he knows the most about me. There are very few things that I keep from him. He's the greatest. Internet guys friendship has been a rock for me this past year. Its provided me a stablity in a friendship that I have never known before in a relationship. I apreciate and treasure him like nothing else. He means a great deal to me.

Saturday I sleep in pretty late and when I get up and step out of my room my mom is waiting for me. She's grinning like a little kid and tells me, "Theres a box for you upstairs on the ledge. " In my half awake delirium I was like "wha?" So she told me again and I went flying up the stairs to find it. At the top awaited something so glorious that its hard to describe for you how wonderful I felt to see Internet guys name on the return address. It was fantastic. I couldn't stop grinning and I hadn't even opened it yet. I finally open it and am greeted with a sweet letter a top the tissue paper and newspaper. It was a lovely letter of sincere friendship and kindness. I got a little teary just reading it. It had been sooo long since someone genuinly and selflessly did something nice for me just because...............just because they wanted to.

Under the tissue paper and newspaper was the most wonderful trinkets hand picked just for me. Nailing to a T my humor, my tastes and my sillinesses. No one has more accuratly figured me out before. It was a desperatly need ray of sunshine and hope. I have the greatest best friendever. I have never know a friendship like ours before. It was refreshing and appreciated.

And not only did I get this delightful box but Internet guy and I had glorious good times on the phone and on the web cam this last weekend. I grin just thinking about it. I'm very happy and I'm happy with out expectaions and with out manipulations. He's just my friend and that's enough. I am content with my friend and his little box of happiness. It nice to be treated this way. Its been a long time. Thank you. I know you read this and I hope you know how much I love our friendship.

Miss M


Anonymous said...

you're so very welcome. knowing this pleases me beyond words. you would hope that after a year i'd have the ability to pick something you would like. the interesting thing is i liked them too! :-) i guess thats why we're best friends. ... and to be picky ... that was no ordinary blow-your-nose tissue paper! it was a combo heelies/nordstrom paper! :-) NORDSTROM BABY! :-)

The Lovely Miss M. said...

Of Course I noticed the specilty paper. It made it extra special. :)