Monday, December 18, 2006

On the Road Again.....

Yesterday I was talking to Captain Doofus at church and I talked to her about a crazy idea I'd been toying with. Tiger's been wanting to move here and the Captain and I have been wanting a roadtrip so I thought that her and I could drive to Phoenix to pick up Tiger and move him back here in my parents van. It would take us about a week to pull it off and I was wondering if the Captain was game and she was :)


So I spent most of last night talking to Tiger about it, and he sortof likes the idea. But the clincher is the fact that if we decide to do this he'll have only about three weeks to get ready and pack, because Captains new semester of college starts on the 16th. Also if he decides to go ahead and move now he'd have to give his notice at work today. So he basically only has one day to think about this. When we hung up last night I think he was seriously considering doing this crazy scheme. I am soo nervous and excited for his final answer. It would make life such a dream if he were here. I have missed him so much and with things getting worse with my dad I really need him here. We talked about so many possibilities and scenarios. I really hope that he says yes. This is what life is about these pivotal moments that define us and he is on the brink of one of the greastest adventures of his life.

I remember the first time I moved away from home and cross country to Utah. I was driving down Interstate 80 in my green '78 Ford Fairmont feeling so exhilarated and independent. I was on my own and on the open road and headed to uncertainty but I was doing it. No one could stop me and I was determined to show the world and my family what I was made of. I was ready to give 'em hell or die trying. I was Inivincible and I was free. I was 19 years old and clueless. Utah totally kicked my ass. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do but man it was fun. Everything basically sucked and I was far from home but I learned who I was and what I was made of and I had a blast in the mean time. I can't remember a happier or more miserable time. I loved it. It was awesome. I loved that feeling I had when I was driving towards my destiny towards the "grown up" world. I told my mom I needed room to make my mistakes and I left and never looked back or thought twice. I loved my adventure. It was amazing.

I want Tiger to have the same sortof adventure. His is even cooler than mine was. He's the oldest and he's paving the way for his little brother. He's showing his parents that they raised him well and he's ready to conquer the world. He is coming to Illinois to claim his lady love and start an amazing and blissful life together. He is doing this for love, he is doing this for himself, he is doing this to shake up his world and show himself and his family what he's really made of. I would be so proud of him if decided to do this thing so bold and daring. I know he would get here eventually but if he comes now he'd be taking that first major step of breaking his preconvceived notion of who he thinks he is and becoming who he's really meant to be and who he really is. Doing it later would almost be too safe and easy. It would make it too comfortable. Not that that would be a bad thing it just makes it a safe thing. It almost takes the fun out of it. But like I told him last night I want him here however I can get him here and I it doesn't matter all that much how he goes about it but this just feels like such an adventure. It would make our love story almost epic. What a story to tell our future generations. How grand it would be just to have him here with me and be together. It would be so wonderful.

A part of me just wants to be on the road again. To feel that feeling again to feel that freedom and that rush of an adveture beginning. I want to be with him and I want us to experience this together.

How exciting! Just the thought that this might happen is exhilarating!

On the road again........

What a grand adventure it would be.

Miss M

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