Sunday, October 08, 2006

Tiger Lovin'

Thirty-two more days till I get to see him again. Life has been so amazing. I am in awe of this thing that Tiger and I have started. I am so in love I can barely breath. It is almost inexplicable the feelings that seem to have taken over me and permeated themselves into every facet and moment of my life. The most amazing part is how it doesn't seem to bother me. I'm perfectly content with our relationship. I have found all the things I've been looking for, longing for and praying for, for such a long time. I have found them in him and because of him I'm becoming more and more like the woman I always wanted to be. I would ask for nothing more out of this life then for us to be together. How sublime it would be to be able to keep such a wonderful man in my life. I'm thrilled and elated that he finds in me a woman that he loves that I am the person that he wants. I am the person that he longs for and misses I am the person that he loves and cares for. He want to listen to me talk because his is enrapturted by the sound of my voice. To him I am beauty and love. He loves the parts of me that I hate and he cherishes me in a way that I never known before. Me. I am that woman. I am all of these things to him.

I am loved.

Miss M

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