Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I like to be sensual. Not sexual, mind you, but sensual. There is very much a significant difference in my mind. We all know what being sexual is even if we’ve never had sex. It’s an obvious touching and implicating of what may come, an act of physical exertion. There may not be too much of a difference in the actual definitions or in the connotations of the two words but I find that they are subtle but significant, the difference between having sex and making love. It’s the difference between taking up space and being present and involved. Being sensual is also not limited to a man woman relationship. You can have sensual moments with anyone. It’s a reaching out with the aim of connecting with another person to feel apart of one another. Comforting a friend in the midst of deep sorrow by placing and arm around them helping them wipe their tears. It’s sensual because you connect when you extend a touch that is in a moment of vulnerability and trust. Moments of great happiness are sensual it’s the feelings you share as you hug and laugh and share a time that is important and happy to those involved. It is the softness and tenderness and the innocence in a moment that makes the difference. It’s the young mother feeding her fresh and new child in the stillness of the early morning darkness. Its children running to their parents bed in the morning chill when it’s cold out and in the tangle of little arms and feet with yours as they giggle and snuggle and trust. It’s in the smallest of moments that are shared between people the kind of moments that we all cherish and remember because they made us feel. We felt connected and that’s important because we live in such a disconnected world. I love to be sensual. I love to share moments of my life and be a part of someone else’s. I read once a quote that says, “Life is not measured in the number of breaths we take but in the moments that take our breath away.” It is a wonderful thing the sensual and beautiful parts and moments of our lives. It’s an honor and privilege to have people in your life that allow you to have these memories and the hope of a lifetime full of them.

Miss M

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