Monday, October 24, 2005

1st Post

I think way too much. All the time everyday about random things. Most of it only makes sense to me. There are a few people who understand sometimes but they are few and far between sometimes and I wonder if this is the reason that so many people have a blog. I know I can't be the only one who feels weird and strange and different, the only one who wants to be seen and understood. That people want somewhere any where where they can stand up and be noticed. To have a podium to vent and present themselves for the world to see, acknowledge and validate in someway. It is this reason that I feel the compulsion to open myself to a world of namelss faceless strangers. I want to share parts of myself and have it be heard and hopefully understood and related to. It should be an interesting adventure and I'm very much excited to see where it leads.
Miss M

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