Saturday, December 10, 2005

*Happy Sigh*

He’s smitten. He just can’t help himself because I rock. I can’t blame him for falling for me because I am so fantastic. He makes me feel fantastic. Mr. Man is doing a wonderful job of joining me in the ranks of silly idiot-hood. Last Sunday we could barely keep our eyes off each other.  We exchanged smiles and glances whenever we got the chance. He was so excited to talk to me he just about jumped out of the pew to say hi to me and ask me how I was. It was so obvious that his dad just kept grinning and smirking at us and my mom kept elbowing me and smiling. It was great. He’s great. I can’t help but smile just thinking about it. I never thought that I would ever want to, be able to or have the opportunity to fall in love again. I’m not saying that I’m completely fallen yet but its sure starting, for the both of us. Monday at our singles group we got to talk and ride over together and then afterward I drove him to his dad’s work to drop something off. Mr. Man’s dad is and air traffic controller at the local airport and he invited me up to see. It was amazing. You could see so far all around and the cities were so beautiful all lit up for the night. I even got to see them land one of the planes. It was awesome. I leaned over to tell Mr. Man how cool it was and when our fingers brushed he snatch my hand and into his and held it while he gently caressed my hand with his thumb. Oh I just about swallowed my heart and I nearly stopped breathing. It was extraordinary the feelings that washed over me when he was holding my hand. It was only for a moment but what a moment it was. Later when I was taking him back to his car at the church we sat in the parking lot and talked for a good while. He had told me earlier that my being married before didn’t bother him and part of me didn’t trust that that was true so I asked him again to be sure. When I did he took my hand again and held it. Gently touching it and stroking it. It doesn’t bother him at all. How absolutely amazing and wonderful that is. I’ve been noticing him for a long time now and to have him return the regard and affection was more than I could have ever imagined. I am so happy and excited to see where this all goes.

Miss M

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